Thursday, April 2, 2015

floating opportunities

you're just ordinary. nothing special or extraordinary about you. fleeting thoughts of adventure or an exceptional life is the road to heartache.

all the pins boards full inspirational quotes can't change the fact that things are difficult and some decisions feel hard no matter the encouragement. You can fight and fight until you're weak and somethings just can't work themselves out.

When you want something bad enough, does it always work? No. Most of the time, you'll get your heart broken by circumstance and uncontrollable details. No one can make those things change and your sweet friends can encourage and uplift you all they want, somethings can't be achieved or solved by words of support or love. Thats all fluff.

The raw part of life is sitting back and watching an opportunity float by. An opportunity you worked very hard for, something you wanted for a long time, something you deserved. And there it goes, floating by with others onboard.... but not you.

Because you're ordinary. nothing special. just you.

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